Thursday, October 16, 2008

An update...

Well, I didn't get into the Prometheus committee. The wait was filled with anticipation yet knowledge that there exist only a very slim chance of getting in due to the sheer volume of applicants. Still, I hope to play some role in the event as I still stand by my view that I may learn something from it. Another point to note is that I was also roped in to be a psuedo programmer for FOC. Again I'll relish the chance to learn something new and maybe make more friends along the way. Carrom has a new coach. A pretty strong player from what I gather. However, there are still not enough players to form a team. Specifically, we don't have a girls team. Hopefully, this can be resolved soon.

Exams are coming. Quizzes next week. Brother Wu's one looks set to be the killer especially when the topic is on set theory and all the various methods of approaching it eg. membership method, Boolean algebra...Econs is MCQ but it can be misleading. Pang once said that MCQ may even be more dificult than open-end and I am inclined to agree. So study hard everyone!

Till next time, may the voice of reason sing its melodies so that anger will not dominate your actions.

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