Thursday, June 12, 2008

What if...

Everybody wonders about things that could happen. There's this perfect world that exists in everyone. In this world, everything goes according to plan. The day will be sunny when you are going out for a picnic. The tests that you need to take will turn out with distinctions. The choices and decisions that you have to make will all turn out right for you. There's nothing really wrong by fantasizing about the best case scenarios and maybe indulging in a little escapism. But do not immerse yourself into the 'what if' world. The reality tends to be harsher than that 'world'. It's only human to wonder what would happen if that particular thing didn't stop you from winning. Going a little off tangent is also acceptable. However, the fact is that you didn't win or that you did not get that favourable result. It takes a certain courage to be able to face it. Defeat is not the end but a new beginning. A cliche it maybe, but who cares if it is appropriate? Reality is what we have to face and to do so head-on may yet be the best way to approach it. So the nex time you wonder 'what if', wouldn't it be better to ask, "How can I improve?"

Till next time, let time not taint beauty but groom it!

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