Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exam Results

It's here again! The time of the year when all your semester's work boils down to. To check or not to check, that's probably the most important question for tonight (or more accurately, tomorrow morning). For some, the need to know will prove irresistible and succumb to clicking on the dreaded link. Others will appear offline in order to stave off the incessant questions about their results and resolve to put off the unenviable task of finding out their results. Wherever you lean on, tonight will prove to be a busy one for NTU students and I wager that the server may crash. I won't say too much on my predictions although I'm just hoping to maintain. It would put my mind at ease when I go overseas in September.

On another note, I've been spending quite a bit as I met friends whom I've not met for a long time. The time spent with them was invaluable and I cherish every moment of them. I hope to continue meeting up with friends during the holidays before embarking on my attachment with MOE. Lots of thing still to take care off before I can fly off to the land of Maple leaves.

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