Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The value of Commitments

I'm pretty sure many of us have made certain commitments to people around us. A commitment is like a promise to do something or accomplish certain objectives. Some people view it more seriously and liken it to a vow which is a promise that should never be broken. So what is the value of commitments. Should it come with strings attached like for example the task to be completed or even the person you make the commitment to? If the task is not easily completed, will you 'forget' about it? If the person is 'not as important', will you cast the commitment to the back of your mind? Many different people place different values on different things. A certain item can have various valuations. Then what about an intangible like a commitment?

In my humble opinion, once a commitment is made, there should be no compromise. Do your best and never look back. It doesn't matter however 'unimportant' the commitment may be or even if the commitment is made to yourself (which is even more important), once you do commit, do not give up half-way. The real impact of your actions can never be truly measured as it is wide-ranging, possibly even affecting people who are not even related to you. One of the most important commitments you may make in your entire life would be that of marriage. It is what is sometimes known as the lifetime commitment as it is supposed to last throughout your life. Sharing your life, your personal space, your innermost secrets, these are part of the sacred marriage vows. But what's happening? Divorce rates have never been higher and the reasons given are not always infidelity. What happened to the commitment?

Anyway, enough of my ranting. My roomie and pseudo roomie bugging me to blog so it is really their effort that i came up with this post. Thanks guys!

Till next time, may you revaluate the commitments in your life!

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