Monday, July 14, 2008


A milkshake. A painting. A game. Seemingly unrelated, but nevertheless share a certain trait. They are capable of giving happiness. Let's take the simple case of milkshake. Picture a sweltering day, the temperature is in the high 40s, and you are typically stuck outdoors. Being able to enjoy an ice-cool milkshake will bring about a bounty of happiness.
Second case, a painting. I must stick a disclaimer that not everyone is able to appreciate a good painting but I'll try with the description. An aquamarine lake shimmers with the crescent moon. The reflection actually looks like a treasure chest full of gold coins. Weeping willows sway in the gentle breeze and appear to beckon you towards their secrets. The contrast of the twinkling stars on the backdrop of bleck velvet are just like diamonds basking in their glory. The picture is completed with a pair of wolves running into the forest. Their vigour and enthusiasm brings out all the regal qualities of these majestic animals and made them worthy creatures of the night. A painting can also give the art lover plenty of joy.
The third case I'll use soccer then. Soccer may be a mindless game of 22 people chasing after a ball for some, but for others it's more than life and death. (see Bill Shankley) Soccer can bring plenty of excitement and satifaction, but it is also equally able to bring sadness and misery. But let's not dwell on this since it's pretty unrelated. Watching how skillful players employ the 'samba' to beat each other, how they are able to manipulate the ball just like an extended limb and more importantly how they are able to call out to the ball so that it acts under their directions, what's not to like about soccer? Soccer lovers can empathize. Need I say more?
In short, what I'm trying to say is that happiness comes in many forms. (though admittedly my examples are pretty one-dimensional) Even the smallest things can bring with it a large amount of happiness. It's hard to quantify happiness but nevertheless there should be a gauge on how happy you are. The key idea is not to let all the unhappy things weigh you down. Life is too short to mull over your failures and disappointments. Seize the moment and experience all the happiness that you want to. Cliches are always useful in this juncture: You only live life once so go LIVE it!!
Okay, this is the end of a rather short post. (actually I do have shorter ones :p) Till next time, may the higher powers bestow their blessing on this fragile world we are living in!

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