Sunday, May 18, 2008

Animania (Anime Mania)

Don't think there's such a word of course. I do so adore animes. Not sure what is/are the reason(s) but the characters and how they are portrayed do appeal to me. Often with big doe eyes, colourful hair and flawless beauty, they are so unbelievable that they strike a chord. That most animes do have a credible storyline helps in many ways. In Japan, anime has reached an unprecedented high and has achieved cult status. There are even people who indulge in cosplay (costume play) just to make them feel closer to the anime characters. Truth be told, some of them do look like the characters they are trying to imitate. Although Japan is seemingly the place to look to for anime, there are some people who feel Korea might have something to say about it.
Anyway, animes are usually derived from manga, another product of Japan. Without manga, there's no anime simple as that. I personally have read some manga and I must say they are pretty interesting. Back to animes, I have lost count on the number of animes I have watched already. While some can wind up like soap operas (see Desparate Housewives) with countless episodes, most are actually pretty manageable, around 26 to 50 episodes per season. The range of genres are also astounding, comparable to books! Romance, mystery, comedy, action, fantasy, school life...the list goes on and on. What I'm trying to say is that if you do have some time, try watching some of them. You may actually like them even though they are in their native language. (Japanese but with subtitles) Just contact me if you want any recommendations!
Till next time, ciao!

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