The drop of the hammer signifies a new dawn. Things are the same yet different in many ways. The people have decided to make their voices heard. What the next 5 years will bring, nobody knows for sure. With all the excitement these past couple of days, it is easy to forget the stress that students are under. The secondary and primary school students are still probably having their mid-year exams although most were allowed to stay up late on that historical day. The tertiary students are still having their exams though.
One obstacle down, four to go. 20% completed. It was a killer and all who were present would probably agree. A two and a half paper which probably required three to complete. It even occurred on that fateful day. Already looking forward to the end of the exams. Then I can start on what I need to do. In a few hours time, another will go down. Slowly, the obstacles will fall. Working, working, working...
On a side note, the weather has been absolutely scorching. Seems 35 degrees is the norm albeit some short showers. Hope it gets less humid and hot soon. :)