Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's been a long time coming...

Time passes on a fly. The wind blows relentlessly stirring the leaves into action. The sea of red beneath out feet starts to dance, forming maple formations all around. Soon, white confetti will fall down from the sky, a gift from heaven. Environment temperature will go south. Bulky snowmen will walk around town. This is something that will never happen in Singapore. Still, I'll get to experience all this and more. Because...I'll be going to Canada next semester!!

Having applied for INSTEP which is our university's student exchange programme, I was accepted and was given my first choice - University of Western Ontario. What brings me triple, quadruple or even pentuple (if there is even such a word) is that I'll be going with lots of friends! Just imagine what fun we'll all be having! (Apologies for the incessant exclaimation marks. Can't seem to contain my enthusiasm) Now, all I need to do is get through this semester without hurting too much. Crammed 23 AUs this semester which is a record at least in my books.

Sigh...if only I had more time for my mid-terms which are just around the corner...

Till next time, buy time, sell time anytime! (